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Holy Stone hopes to share the responsibility of implementing CSR with the suppliers. In terms of decisions and management, we ask our suppliers to comply with Holy Stone's standards and apply ISO9001 management system into their corporation. Over 70% suppliers have obtained ISO9001 certificate, and all suppliers have signed declaration guarantees on environmentally protection and restrictions on related substances.


In addition to RoHS's specification on restricted substances, CSR gradually became the focus of our customers. With the Responsible Business Alliance(RBA, formerly known as Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition, EICC) compiled by electronic brands such as Dell, IBM, HP, includes standards on labor rights, health and safety, environment and business ethics. Suppliers are required to act upon these standards, and their performances are listed as one of the criterion when choosing suppliers.


Holy Stone strives to reduce the usage of raw materials containing lead in compliance with RoHS standard. We started switching to lead-free materials from 2007. Usage of ceramic powder containing lead is reduced from 36.53% in 2007 to today's 0.60%.


Holy Stone is aggressively improving raw material recycling rate. We also encourage and help suppliers to sort out packaging materials in deliveries and ask our suppliers to reuse these materials to reduce unnecessary wastes.