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Implementation Status of Corporate Ethical Management

To ensure the management of Business Integrity, General Manager’s Office, affiliated to the BODs, is in charge of the stipulation of ethical policies, prevention plans and monitoring of the implementation status, moreover, the General Manager’s Office is also responsible for the revision, implementation, explanation, consultation, reportation and documentation of “Guideline and Procedure for Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principle”. Regular internal advocacy are launched annually, results are reported to the board meetings.


Article 21 of the “Guideline and Procedure for Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principle” stated, the responsible department for handling reports regarding dishonest actions is the General Manager’s Office. Since the responsible department was established, there is no incident that has a significant impact on the integrity of the Company’s operation.


The Company launched trainings on topics relevant to integrity management to our employees including the junior staffs on an annual basis, contents of the trainings include: Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principle, Guideline and Procedure for Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principle, Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information, Business Integrity Management System, Internal Control System, Case Study on Violation of Business Integrity and relevant laws and regulations, training results are as follows:



Number of Employees Trained









Contents of the Training are as follow:

▶ Comply highest ethical standard in any business relationships.

▶ Prohibition of any forms of bribery, embzzlement and extortion; having zero-tolerance to any forms of dishonesty.

▶ Prohibition of receiving any forms of inappropriate gifts, vouchers, hospitality that will further influence normal business relationships and business judgments.

▶ Prohibition of the usage of one's power, opportunity and methods from the position to lobby, entrust and or other inappropriate methods to seek the interest for him/herself or his/her related persons.

▶ Protect and respect the intellectual property rights of the Company and the others. When hosting or undertaking business that involves confidential information, relevant units shall take appropriate confidentiality measures according to the nature of the confidential information.

▶ Comply with fair trading, advertising, competition and other relevant laws and regulations.

▶ Prohibition of Insider Trading.


Date of Reporting Performance of Integrity Management to the Board of Directors:


Date Reported





